Division of Policy, Planning & Standards
The Division of Policy, Planning & Standards is made up of the Information Communication Technology Office (ICT) and Information Systems Office (ISO), Testing & Evaluation, and Policy & Accreditation. The main function of the Division is to contribute to the improvement of education results in the Republic by providing information technology services and up to date data on schools and students; use of standardized assessment of student learning; policy formulation and school accreditation;. The division collaborates closely with the other divisions within the Ministry to implement activities that support the main goal of the Ministry to deliver quality education, resulting in improved learning for all students. Standards for student achievement, principal and teacher conduct, and school facilities are to be formulated and implemented.
The Public School System recognizes the importance of technology as a critical part of day-to-day operations. Technology enhances the flow of information within the Ministry and its stakeholders. The Information Technology office guides the ongoing development and evolution of technology in support of the Ministry’s mission and strategic plans. The office is also responsible for ensuring that a functional and effective network infrastructure is in place to support efficient and reliable management of data and information.

Information Systems Office
The Data Management Office collects and manages the data necessary for decision-making. It also analyzes the data order to provide the information needed by the Ministry for overall planning.
Marshall Islands Student Information System (MISIS)
Marshall Islands Education Management Information System (MIEMIS)
Testing & Evaluation
The Testing and Evaluation office provides for standardized assessment of student learning in order to inform teachers and the Ministry, not only about where students learning is in regard to the curriculum standards and benchmarks, but also about the effectiveness of teaching.
The office administers the Marshall Islands Standards Assessment Test series or MISAT I, II, and III for grades 3, 6, and 8. MISAT I & II cover English Reading, Marshallese Reading, Mathematics and Science, while the MISAT III consists of the 8th grade High School Entrance Test which is composed of sub-tests in English Reading, English Writing, Marshallese Reading, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. At the high school level, MISAT IV and V are administered to 10th and 12th grade students in English and Math. All these tests are administered to all students at these grade levels during March to May of every school year.

Policy & Accreditation
The Policy and Accreditation Office’s mandate is to conduct research and implement actions to improve policy and planning in the Ministry of Education. This is achieved through a school accreditation process which provides for a system of evaluation and monitoring of schools. The PSS School Accreditation Regulations ensures that schools meet standards that provide for a learning environment conducive to learning through the establishment of standards, criteria, and procedures in a national system of public and chartered non-public elementary and secondary school accreditation. In addition, the office is responsible for the formulation of policies to regulate the Public School System’s processes and operations.