Division of Instruction & Primary Schools
Who We Are
The Division of Instruction and School Management is mandated to provide education and related services to children in kindergarten to grade 12 of ages 5 to 18, focusing on providing access and improving student performance and learning outcomes at the primary and secondary levels, as well as addressing the needs of special education students. The Division manages and provide support for the 80 primary schools and 6 secondary schools in the public school system.
Besides managing primary and secondary schools, the Division also oversees four supplemental programs: Curriculum & Instruction, Special Education, and Media & Instructional Services.

Primary Schools
Primary schools are managed by the Associate Commissioner of the Division through five Assistant Commissioners who oversee schools in these five regional divisions: Western Region, consisting of Lib Island, Mejatto (Rongelap), Ujae, Lae, and Wotto atolls; Central Region: Jabat Island, Ailinglaplap and Namu atolls; Southern Region: Kili Island, Ebon, Namdrik, and Jaluit atolls; Eastern Region: Mili, Arno, and Northern Regionconsisting of Aur, Maloelap, Wotje, Likiep, Ailuk, Utrik atolls and Mejit island. Kwajalein Atoll and Majuro Atoll are considered separate school regions respectively, each holding some of the largestschools in the RMI.
Curriculum & Instruction
The Curriculum, Instructions and Assessment (CIA) unit oversees curriculum development and assessment work and ensure these activities are updated periodically. It works collaboratively with the other divisions and programs within the Public School System to provide teachers with quality support and resources to be effective, well-informed educators. This is done through the provision of appropriate instructional materials and training in curriculum implementation. The unit also provides quarterly assessment in subject areas to inform teachers and gauge student progress.

Special Education Program
The Special Education Program continues to operate under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B. The Act provides funds to the Freely Associated States to provide free and appropriate services to children with disabilities ages 3-21. The grant provides funding in the following areas: teacher salaries, staff development, materials and supplies and other related services. During the FY 2012, the program implement Outcome 9 under the MOE Performance Based Budget Portfolio.
The Instructional Services Center (ISC) was established in 2007. It is a revival of the Curriculum/Learning/Training Center which was an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title 1 project commencing in the early 1970s.
As part of the Ministry of Education in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, ISC is a US federally funded Supplementary Education Grant project in the Division of Early Childhood and Elementary Education. ISC has been given the responsibility of writing, as well as reviving materials, producing and maintaining educational materials to be utilized by Marshallese children and their teachers. Centering on literacy in Marshallese, a series of readers have been developed for elementary school children in kindergarten through eight grade.
ISC is divided into three services, namely: Publication, Training and the Media Center.