Budget & Finance
"A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went" ~Dave Ramsey
Division of Budget & Finance
The Division of Budget and Finance is comprised of three (3) sub-units, Budget Compliance, Accounting Services, and Procurement and Supply.
The functions of the division are to establish and maintain budget procedures and adequate internal controls of accounts and records for the proper administration of the Education Fund established under P.L 2013-23, and to ensure full compliance with the Financial Management Act, Procurement, and the Fiscal Procedures Agreement.
The Budget Compliance sub-division spearheads the general effort in the development of the annual budget, establishes budget procedures internal control, and maintains the leading role in controlling day to day spending by means of the budget certification process, reporting performances through the concept of performance-based budgeting, and provide general budgetary support and services to schools and programs within the system.
The Accounting Services sub-division maintains the effort in establishing procedures and financial internal controls to properly administer the accounting and recording of the Education Fund, including monitoring and tracking of expenditures, reprogramming, financial reporting, and timely auditing.
The Procurement and Supply sub-component is established primarily to track and monitor purchase requests, including distribution of supplies, inventory, record and safe keeping of assets.

Get in touch
PSS Main Office
Phone : + (692) 625 – 6470
Email : budget@pss.edu.mh
Email : accounts@pss.edu.mh
Email : procurement@pss.edu.mh
MON-FRI 08:00 AM – 5:00 PM